Rent a car in Cabo de Gata


If you come without a vehicle to Cabo de Gata, maybe renting a car is a good choice, since communications in the area are quite bad. If you want to know the cat in its entirety, a rental car is certainly an alternative to consider.


El municipio de Níjar es el termino municipal más grande de Almería, aunque la villa queda excluida della protección del Parque Natural cabo de Gata. Aquí encontrara hoteles, hostales, casas y apartamentos, alojamiento rural, camping, restaurantes, ocio, arte y artesanía, Centros de Buceo, actividades naúticas , kayaks , rutas y excursiones .
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San José

San José se originó a partir della aldea de pescadores situada en la bahía de San José, entre el Cerro En medio y el Cerro de Cala Higuera. Ahora es el gran centro turístico del Parque. hostales, casas y apartamentos, alojamiento rural, restaurantes, ocio, Centros de Buceo, actividades naúticas, kayaks, rutas y excursiones
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  • Cabo de Gata Natural Park is a first-class protection place.If you navigate through these pages do not forget that the information you can obtain here, should be used with sensitivity.
  • Although we try to select the services that they are promoted here, we can not be held responsible if any of them presents any type of deficiency during your stay.
  • If you have any tourist service or Lodging in Cabo de Gata Natural Park, you can contact us and announce it in this informative guide.

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