• Leuchtturm von Cabo de Gata

  • Leuchtturm von Cabo de Gata

Leuchtturm von Cabo de Gata

When we reach the lighthouse of Cabo de Gata and see the impressive surroundings that surround it, we understand why all the civilizations of the past made settlements in the area.

The Leuchtturm von Cabo de Gata is a meeting point for the many tourists who come to the Naturpark every year. Built in 1863, it was built in the central courtyard of the Kastell de San Francisco de Paula. It was built in the first half of the 18th century, during the reign of Philip V, for the defense of the Küste von the kingdom of Granada. From this castle the only remnant left is the base wall.

Located in the one called by the Romans "promontorius charidemi". It could be translated as "promontory of the Agates". This is due to semi-precious stones that can be found in its surroundings. This could be the origin of the denomination of Cabo de Gata, which already appears as such in the 14th century. From this place we can enjoy the fantastic views it provides.

Worth a visit in Kayak. Sailing all over Cabo de Gata will delight us with incredible landscapes and vagaries of nature.

It is accessed by the AL-3115 road from Almadraba de Monteleva The Sirenas reef, which we contemplate from the lighthouse, is actually the rest of an ancient volcanic chimney. It probably receives this name because of the presence of a monk seal colony. The fishermen in the area used to call them mermaids or sea lions. This mammal inhabited the entire Küste von Cabo de Gata until the middle of the 20th century. It is currently in critical danger of extinction throughout the Mediterranean.

In front of Cabo de Gata there is a submerged reef where a Steamboat of 100 m. of length. This is the Arna steam, which in 1929 was shipwrecked. The currents dragged him about two miles inland. Now there is a wreck of great beauty, and although in recent times it has deteriorated a lot, it is still a must for all those who love recreational diving. The Laja area is under the integral protection of the Naturpark.



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