Terrestrial fauna in cabo de gata
We distinguish the terrestrial fauna in two different biotipes
The grassland
Here the hocicuda viper (Vipera latasti), the bastard snake and the one of stairs abound, the ocelado lizard, eslizón tridáctilo and the running toad, like representatives of the amphibians and reptiles.
Between the mammals, the sprocket morish wheel, musarañas, some zomo that approaches mainly until the coast and, rabbits and hares.
Esteparian zone
the dominant fauna is the insects, abounding in the first place the ortópteros (religious Mantis), the himenópteros (ants lasius, bees _), coleopters (cicadas) and dípteros (flies, mosquitos, tábanos etc.), whose presence never gets to be annoying nor excessive safe in places of cattle and cochiqueras, we will see here the small lizard colirroja, the salamanquesas, lizards and eslizones next to toads, frogs and the snake of horseshoe.
And it will also show the fox, the careto dormouse, topillo, tejón, the bat and until the wild boar and like no, the rabbit.
1.- Mónsul Beach
2.- Genoveses Beach
3.- El Playazo
4.- El Arco Beach
5.- San José Beach
6.- Agua Amarga Beach
7.-Peñon Blanco Beach 8.- Los Muertos Beach
9.- El Barronal Cove
10.- El Plomo Cove
11.- San Pedro Cove
12.- Los Amarillos Cove
13.- Lance Cove
14.- En medio Cove
15.- Arena Cove
16.- Los Toros Cove
17.- Las Negras Beach
18.- La Media Luna Cove
19.- San Miguel Beach
20.- Rajá Cove
21. La Fabriquilla Beach 22.- Embarcadero de los Escullos Beach
23.-Carnaje Cove
24.- Carboneras Beach
25.- Carbón Cove
26.- Higuera Cove
27.- Grande Cove
28.- Cuervo Cove
29.- Chica Cove
30.- Príncipe Cove 31.- Bergantín Cove -
32.- Las Amoladeras Beach -
33.- La Almadraba Beach
34.-Ancon de Cabo de Gata Beach
35.- El Algarrobico Beach
36.- Torre Garcia Beach